Memory Notes

Shisang Khyungba Lama

'Memory Notes - 2022' is a series of photographs taken on my phone as visual notes. The act of taking these photos paralleled making notes on a phone, providing a visual reference rather than a textual one. The nostalgia of my first full year in a new place and the intent when I took these photos inspired the project's name.
I grew up in Kathmandu, Nepal's capital city, and have spent most of my life there. Organized chaos is what I used to call the everyday hustle and bustle of the city. I moved to Germany at the end of 2021 for my Master's studies. Although this isn't my first time leaving home, it's the longest I've been away.
2022 was my first full year in Germany, and my memory is scattered in different places as I tried to ground myself in a foreign land. Germany and Nepal are different realities; one isn't better than the other. The series of photos is the memory of my journey of finding a sense of belonging and harmony in a new surrounding.