fluid edges

Kristina Jurk

a jewelry collection about the tension field between queer safety and visibility.
Peaceful coexisting with other humans is a beautiful utopia. To be yourunconditional self while being fully safe is a privilege that many humans can notcall their daily reality. As a queer person it is nearly impossible to come close tothis ideal. It gets even harder if you are subject of more then one form ofdiscrimination.

This Project is inspired by the terms ‚Safety‘, ‚Visibility‘ and ‚Fluidity‘. Especiallyfor queer humans the tension field between safety and visibility is a daily lifestruggle. At the same time they are crucial needs and desires. If a person wantsto be visible for who they are they might have to fear abusive behavior andviolence, if they want to be safe, they might have to hide parts of themselvesand their personality. These feelings can vary on a fluid spectrum.

It is absolutely absurd that queer humans love towards each other and theexpression of their gender and personality in public can be a reason for getting targeted. Many have to fear for their safety and lifes in on a daily basis. My photos are expressing deep platonic or romantic relationships of the models. I wanted the pureness and beauty of these connections to be visible.

My Jewelry Collection is an attempt to move the terms Safety and Visibility closer towards each other. Even tho it cannot solve the problem, it can gather attention and initiate thought processes outside of our communities. Its placements are unconventional and hypervisible. Its fluid shapes, that are expressed as fluid as their possible wearer, still involve spikes, which symbolically stand for self protection. The jewelry pieces play with facial features and strengthen as well as highlighting them. They are supposed to make one feel more confident, badass and untouchable.