photographic obersavations in lützerath

Raphael Schuhmacher

Friction! Friction through coexistence. Friction by coexistence, which holds an intrinsic and toxic tension.

When does friction occur?

First and foremost, when different ideas, interests, or worldviews clash, a web of relationships emerges that can be marked by conflict and discrepancy. These frictions are a natural expression of the diversity and complexity of human beliefs and strive to find their place in the world.

In the context of renewable energy and power plants, the ambivalence of coexistence is revealed. Environmental activists seek a radical shift towards sustainable energy, while proponents of conventional power plants point to the importance of economic viability and energy supply. These seemingly irreconcilable viewpoints create friction.

However, in friction also lies an opportunity for growth and insight. Through dialogue among diverse stakeholders, new
perspectives can emerge and a deeper understanding of the diversity of human beliefs can be gained. The confrontation with different opinions and world views allows us to look beyond the horizon of our previous thought patterns.

It would be nice!

Because the search for compromise is more or less characterized by one-sidedness. The search for common solutions that takes into account environmental concerns as well as social and economic needs moves at a snails pace. A farce

In my photographic observation, I was able to recognize a great deal of friction and capture it.